Scholarly Communities

Ecclesiademy began a few years ago under the vision and direction of Bishop Emeritus David Kendall and Rev. Dr. Bruce Cromwell as a way of bringing together Free Methodist women and men serving in pastoral ministry (the ecclesia) while holding higher degrees with a heart for theological education (the academy)–in other words, the FM pastor-theologians. From time to time, there are events for fellowship, deep theological conversation, and encouragement hosted by the Center for Pastoral Formation.
For pastor-theologians pursuing or having achieved a doctorate.
Graduate Students’ Theological Seminar (GSTS)
in partnership with

This is an annual gathering of students and faculty hosted by the Free Methodist Church and the Wesleyan Church. GSTS serves to connect graduate students in the theological disciplines with established professors and scholars for a time of fellowship and networking, paper presentations, discussion, and message from a keynote speaker. Students may be enrolled in any graduate program, not necessarily FM- or Wesleyan-affiliated schools.
GSTS is for all Free Methodists and Wesleyans currently enrolled in a doctoral program (D.Min., D.Phil., or Ph.D.) in any of the theological disciplines, or currently serving as a faculty member in a theological discipline.
Alpha Kappa Sigma

Membership in the Alpha Kappa Sigma honor society of the Association of Free Methodist Educational Institutions (AFMEI) is granted, by vote of the faculty, to those students completing the senior year who excel in scholarship, Christian character traits, and extracurricular activities on campus and in the community. The purpose of the organization is to promote the development of character and leadership, to stimulate a spirit of service, and to create an enthusiasm for excellence in scholarship. Election to membership represents one of the highest honor awards given by any Free Methodist academic institution.
For students completing their senior year of undergraduate studies.